On Mon, 19 Apr 2021 at 19:12, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
The RIPE NCC regularly organizes events for communities which are distinct from RIPE. When preparing for such an event, the RIPE NCC will ascertain whether the respective community has adopted the RIPE Code of Conduct and, if not, also ascertain which Code must be applied.
my naïve view is that, if the ncc is an organiser, then the coc MUST apply. We strongly believe that all RIPE NCC-organised events should follow the same CoC, and we think this is something the community should be able to agree on. The updated draft provides for this. We understand that it will apply to all RIPE NCC-organised events - including RIPE, MENOG, ENOG, and SEE meetings, as well as things like the Roundtable Meetings, Member Lunches and RIPE NCC Regional Meetings that we organise. Perhaps the CoC TF can look at whether this needs to be made clearer in its draft. Once the community agrees on an updated CoC, the TF will then work to define procedures and how a future CoC Team will handle reports and be constituted. This is where unexpected details or regional differences could become relevant. For example, will members of the CoC Team need to attend every Member Lunch and Regional Meeting, or will an email contact be enough in some cases? Should there be one CoC Team, or would it be better for MENOG, ENOG and SEE to have their own teams with more understanding of local contexts? My understanding is that it was an awareness of these factors that led the TF to include this provision, as well as respecting the autonomy of these communities, as Niall points out. It is my hope and expectation that the outcome of this process should be a single code of conduct that is applied in a more or less uniform way across all of the events that we organise. Regards Hans Petter Holen Managing Director RIPE NCC