Draft agenda for CoC TF meeting on Wednesday, 9 November
Hi, Here is a draft agenda for our meeting next Wednesday. I think the list of actions in the third item will be updated before the meeting. Please let me know if you’d like to adjust the draft agenda. Kind regards, Leo Title Who What Time Outcome Minutes TF Review the draft minutes of the last meeting. Identify any changes. Finalise. 5 mins Minutes Agenda TF Review agenda and adjust as needed. 5 mins Agenda Actions All Review status of actions from the previous meeting: (Ongoing) TF to think about how the CoC Team and the WGc Chairs would work together to manage discussions on mailing lists. Including tools, e.g. Mattermost channel Antony to speak with the CoC consultant and other relevant parties about a possible CoC presentation at RIPE 85 Athina to investigate the scale of risk that data might be needed in a court. Athina to review language over data retention, training and the broader team. Athina to evaluate the risk of discovery in common-law jurisdictions and what language is needed in communications templates. 5 mins Status RIPE 85 All Feedback from RIPE 85 10 mins Discussion Risk Athina/All Discuss Athina’s report of risk evaluations and decide next steps if any 10 mins Decision Doc updates All Agree specific changes to make in updated drafts: Are any changes needed for the recruitment process document? What changes should be made to the operational process document? 20 mins Decisions AOB ? ? ? ? Actions NCC Review actions agreed during the meeting 5 mins Action list
participants (1)
Leo Vegoda