Dear RIPE BCOP community,
After seeing some need for a bit of coordination between BCOP efforts
around the world (some work is overlapping between the regions), we
thought of setting up the BCOP Global coordination meeting just before
IETF93 meeting in Prague.
The BCOP GC meeting will take place on Sunday, 19th July 2015 at the
IETF93 venue hotel Hilton in Prague. The room number/name is not
set/known yet and it will be communicated when we receive this information.
Of course, this is an open meeting to everyone interested in development
of BCOP efforts and learning about what's going on at other regions. We
need new ideas, new energy and a collective will to move and develop
this initiatives further and get it off the ground for good - so
everyone is invited to join and participate.
As we need to anticipate the number of meeting attendees (to coordinate
for the right size of the room), we would like you to add your name to
Doodle poll: - or send an email to
this list (or to Benno and/or myself if you wish).
Everyone have a great summer and see you in Prague, Jan Zorz