With apologies for the delay, here are the draft minutes from the Routing WG at RIPE48 back in May. James ---------- Cut Here ---------- RIPE48, Amsterdam Routing Working Group - 5 May 2004; 09:00-10:30 A. Preliminaries Joao Damas, ISC Introduction Afternoon session cancelled Participants' list Circulated Volunteering of scribe James Aldridge, RIPE NCC Jabber/IRC interface Question to WG whether NCC should provide Jabber "scribe" ACTION: R48.1 - RIPE NCC to investigate this possibility for RIPE49. Agenda bashing No additional items RIPE 47 minutes circulated shortly after R47 No comments -> final minutes Actions from earlier meetings None B. Global network mobility John Bender & Don Bowman, "Connexion by Boeing" <Link to presentation still awaited> What is "Connexion by Boeing"? An 802.11b "hot spot" ~10 km above the earth, travelling at 900 km/hr :-) John and Don gave an overview of Boeing's Internet in the Air offering and some of the technical aspects of its design and operation. Questions from WG: - Simon Leinen: What about prefix-length filtering? (offline discussion needed) - Iljitsch van Beijnum: Have scalability issues been taken into account? (yes) You're doing all the things you're not supposed to do ;-) alternatives to avoid deaggregation, etc? - Joao Damas: Address policy aspects of using one /24 per aircraft? - large aircraft but not just for passengers. RF interferance aspects? Certified! C. Routing Workshop report Goetz Lichtwald, Universitat Karlsruhe: (20 min) Links: http://www.tm.uka.de/idrws/ http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/presentations/ripe48-routing-idrws... A brief summary of the 2nd Inter-Domain Routing Workshop (IDRWS) held at the RIPE NCC's offices the weekend before RIPE48. D. RIPE NCC: RIS update Matthew Williams (20 min) Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/presentations/ripe48-routing-ris.p... Matthew presented an update on the RIPE NCC's Routing Information Service project. E. Raising RPSLng Awareness Carlos Friacas <Link to presentation still awaited> - Importance of RPSLng - Current status - What do we need? - Open Issues - stabilisation of draft (going to last call) - whoisd / IRR toolset / ... ACTION: R48.2 - RIPE NCC (Shane/SED) to notify community of IRR Toolset (etc.) development schedule F. Demo of BGPlay Lorenzo Colitti, RIPE NCC/Uni. Roma Tre link: http://www.ris.ripe.net/bgplay/ Lorenzo demonstrated "BGPlay", a tool developed at the University of Roma Tre and hosted at the RIPE NCC to visualise BGP update actvity. Y. General I/O with Other WGs None Z. AOB None
participants (1)
James Aldridge