Dear colleagues, please find below the 2nd draft of the Routing WG agenda. As you may have noticed this time again we have our two slots distributed over two days: - slot 1: Tue, 27-Jan, 16:00 - 17:30 filled well with contents - slot 2: Wed, 28-Jan, 9:00 - 10:30 not used this time As usual, if you would want to contribute or have suggestions for presentations please step up. Comments and corrections are welcome as well. Unfortunately, I will not be able to personally attend this time. My co-chair Joao Damas will chair the sessions instead. ---- Tue slot: 27-Jan, 16:00 - 17:30 A Joao Damas: Administrativa (<10min) - participants' list - volunteering of scribe - RIPE 46 minutes - agenda bashing - actions from earlier meetings includes announcements on - Call for Participation: Inter-Domain Routing Workshop - Notification on RIPE Routing Registry courses - Rene Wilhelm: RISwhois - mapping IP to ASN using RIS collected BGP data, Summary from the EOF presentation B Clarence Filsfils: IGP Fast Convergence in a SP Backbone (30mins) C Henrik Villfoer: Operator Experience from ISIS Convergence Tuning (30mins) D Nicolas Dubois / Benoit Fondeviole: Fast Convergence Project (30mins) Z AOB ---- Thanks Joachim --- JS395-RIPE -- standard disclaimer ---
participants (1)