Call for Presentations - RIPE 82
19 Mar
19 Mar
5:43 p.m.
Dear RIPE Routing WG, This is a call for presentation proposals for RIPE 82. The RIPE 82 meeting takes place in about 8 weeks: We ask the Working Group and RIPE NCC for presentation proposals for the illustrious 1 hour Routing WG slot on Thursday, May 20th 2021. When you submit a proposal please also include slides for the chairs to review. If you've presented similar material elsewhere please share with us when and where. We'll ask presenters to pre-recorded their talk to try to prevent local, logistcal, and/or routing problems from impacting the meeting. :-) Kind regards, Job, Paul, Ignas Routing Working Group Chairs
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1 participants
participants (1)
Job Snijders