[routing-wg]Updated DRAFT agenda for routing wg @ RIPE 53
20 Sep
20 Sep
4:05 p.m.
Hi folks, I've added an extra item to discuss the working group's charter. Joao will be sending something to the list about this soon. There's still time available if you want to talk about something else! Cheers, Rob RIPE 53 Routing Working Group. Agenda Version 2. 20th September, 2006. A. Administrivia - Scribe - Agenda bashing. - Minutes of last meeting 5 minutes. Chairs. B. Recommendations on Route Aggregation 10 minutes. Philip Smith. C. Open Issues with IPv6 Routing and Multihoming 50 minutes. Vince Fuller. Y. Discussion on WG charter and focus. As available. WG Chairs. Z. AOB.
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Rob Evans