(Apologies for duplicate messages) ************ PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS ***************** Passive & Active Measurement Workshop (PAM2005) Boston, MA Mar 31-Apr 1, 2005 ********************************************************** IMPORTANT DATES: * Paper Submission: October 8, 2004 * Author Notification: December 10, 2004 * Camera Ready: January 20, 2005 CONFERENCE INFORMATION PAM'05, the sixth PAM workshop, is a two-day event focusing on research and practical applications of passive and active measurement and analysis techniques. Original papers describing novel work-in-progress are invited from the research, provider, and other communities on topics including, but not limited to: * Active Network Measurements * Passive Network Measurements * Performance Metrics * Traffic Statistics * Measurement Visualization * New Measurement Approaches & Techniques * Deployment of Measurement Infrastructure * New Measurement Initiatives * Applications of Network Measurements * Network Measurements and Security * Network Troubleshooting using Measurements * Embedded and Reconfigurable Hardware for Network Measurements Student participation is strongly encouraged. PAM has a tradition of being a true workshop with lively discussion and active participation from all attendees. As such, we favor submissions reporting exciting on-going work. SUBMISSION INFORMATION To ensure PAM2005 is fresh and interesting, we are soliciting extended abstracts in the first instance. These should be at most FOUR pages in length in the standard IEEE double-column format. The abstracts should present work-in-progress, explaining the basic approach and motivation. Comprehensive results are not expected at this stage, although the authors should comment on the results they expect to obtain; there are 3.5 months between the abstract submission and camera ready deadlines. If selected for publication, authors will be expected to produce an 8-10 page paper including results and validation. TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Constantine Dovrolis (Program Chair) Georgia Tech Suman Banerjee University of Wisconsin Chadi Barakat INRIA Supratik Bhattacharyya Sprint ATL Andre Broido CAIDA Nevil Brownlee University of Auckland Neal Cardwell Google K Claffy CAIDA Les Cottrell SLAC Mark Crovella Boston University Christophe Diot Intel Research Avi Freedman Akamai Ian Graham Endace Khaled Harfoush North Carolina State University Loki Jorgenson Apparent Networks Simon Leinen Switch David Meyer Cisco Systems Dina Papagiannaki Intel Research Ian Pratt University of Cambridge Matt Roughan University of Adelaide Kave Salamatian CNRS/LIP6 Anees Shaikh IBM T.J.Watson Patrick Thiran EPFL Alex Tudor Agilent Steve Uhlig Universite Catholique de Louvain Darryl Veitch University of Melbourne Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP, but please forward to anyone you believe may be interested -- thanks! For any additional information, please contact Constantine Dovrolis (dovrolis@cc.gatech.edu). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henk Uijterwaal Email: henk.uijterwaal(at)ripe.net RIPE Network Coordination Centre http://www.amsterdamned.org/~henk P.O.Box 10096 Singel 258 Phone: +31.20.5354414 1001 EB Amsterdam 1016 AB Amsterdam Fax: +31.20.5354445 The Netherlands The Netherlands Mobile: +31.6.55861746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process and Procedure are the last hiding place of people without the wit and wisdom to do their job properly. (David Brent).
participants (1)
Henk Uijterwaal (RIPE NCC)