Agenda for the routing WG at RIPE 68
Hi, Here is the agenda as it is currently planned for our meeting in Warsaw next week. The astute will notice there is, for a change, some spare time. We have a potential talk to fill that, but are finalising some details. For those that will be joining us, safe travels, for the others, tune into the webcast! Cheers, Rob & Joao A. Administrivia Minutes of RIPE 67. Thank stenographer, scribe & jabber scribe. Microphone etiquette. [Chairs, 5 minutes] B. RDL: A Programmatic Approach to Generating Router Configurations [Benno Overeinder, 20 minutes] C. Creating an Automated Prefix Filtering How-To [Job Snijders, 10 minutes] D. BGP blackholing project - join & fight! [Ćukasz Bromirski, 20 minutes] E. Setting up RPKI for PI End User Space [Alex Band, 10 minutes.] F. Charter Discussion [Chairs, as time permits.] Z. AOB
participants (1)
Rob Evans