Hi all, for research purpose I am looking for some facts concerning inter-domain AS-path failures. Does anyone of you knows some cites or sources were I can get some numbers on that issue? I am aware that I might ask for network internals that are usually kept secret or at least not public ;-). Anyway if anyone could give me a hint where to find some information about : . Percentage of inter-domain AS-path failures (total amount of inter-domain failures) . How often do inter-domain AS-path failures occur? I would really appreciate! Btw. I do know the Sigcomm Paper "Understanding BGP Mis- configuration". cheers, - goetz -- Dipl. Inform Goetz Lichtwald University of Karlsruhe, Germany Institute of Telematics Zirkel 2, 76128 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 (0) 721 - 608 6404 Fax: +49 (0) 721 - 608 6789 PGP-Key: http://www.tm.uka.de/~lichtwald/mykey.asc