This issue was solved after the data ingestion pipeline caught-up with the most recent data today at 04:46 UTC+2. We will possibly share a more detailed post-portem and in measures so this issue doesn't come up again. Apologies for any inconvenience we might have caused. — Agustín RIPE NCC
On 29 Jul 2020, at 20:16, Massimo Candela <massimo@us.ntt.net> wrote:
On 29/07/2020 20:14, Massimo Candela wrote:
Thanks Kaveh and Agusting. Agustin :P (sorry, I made a verb there)
I can confirm that it's working again.
Ciao, Massimo
On 29/07/2020 18:59, kranjbar wrote:
Indeed. Latest datasets for RIPEstat are being processed right now and the system should catch-up with the up-to-date data in the coming hours. Our apologies for the issue.
We have also updated https://www.ripe.net/support/service-announcements and will keep doing so as soon as there is a change in the status.
All the best,
On 29 Jul 2020, at 17:55, Agustin Formoso <aformoso@ripe.net> wrote:
This is indeed an issue related to RIPEstat, and affecting the _latest_ routing information for prefixes. You should still able to access historical data.
Thanks for reporting the issue, we'll come back as soon as we have a fix in place.
Sorry for any inconvenience this might be causing.
Agustín RIPE NCC
On 29 Jul 2020, at 17:45, Massimo Candela <massimo@us.ntt.net> wrote:
There is clearly an outage going on with RIPEstat at the moment. Basically all prefix visibility stopped at midnight. This is affecting only the RIPEstat API but not the RIS/RIS live data.
I already contacted the RIPEstat team. I hope they will fix it soon.
Ciao, Massimo
On 29/07/2020 15:12, Sergey Myasoedov via routing-wg wrote:
For the every IPv4/v6 network I'm checking, RIPE Stat gives me "announced": false result.
I'm observing this since last hour or two.
Is this the outage or output format change in the RIPE Stat?
Thank you.
-- Kind regards, Sergey Myasoedov