Looking forward to seeing you all in London soon! Routing WG Agenda. RIPE 69, London. Thursday, 6th November 2014. Session 1: 14:00-15:30 GMT. Side Room. Parallel with Co-operation WG in the Main Room. A. Administrivia [00:05] Thanks to the scribes and stenographers Approval of minutes from RIPE 68 Agenda bashing B. /48 Considered Harmful? On the Interaction of Strict IPv6 Prefix Filtering and the Needs of Enterprise LIRs [00:20] Enno Rey C. Quantitative analysis of BGP route leaks [00:20] Benjamin Wijchers D. A study of BGP Route Origin Registration and Validation [00:20] Daniele Iamartino E. Charter & WG Chair reselection [00:20] Joao Damas & Rob Evans Session 2: 16:00-17:30 GMT. Side Room. Parallel with Database WG in the Main Room. F. ExaBGP [00:20] Thomas Mangin G. LISPmob: An open source implementation of LISP [00:20] Alberto Rodriguez-Natal H. Feedback required: IPv6 Homenet with IS-IS standard [00:20] Martin Winter Z. AOB [00:20]