On 7/1/2011 4:12 AM, Alex Band wrote:
Hi Sebastian,
On 30 Jun 2011, at 20:22, Sebastian Spies wrote:
Dear ripe list,
I have setup a new RPKI test repository (as of the newest sidr drafts) and like to test it against the RIPE rpki-validator. However, issuing the following command, I get an error message:
sspies@ux-sspies:~/rpki/validator-test$ ../../ripencc-rpki-validator/bin/certification-validator --top-down -e root.cer -vvvvv -p -o workdir 14:09:03,295 ERROR RtaCms not found
I assume, the validator expects a pre draft-ietf-sidr-ta-05 TA. Can you confirm this? If yes, do you plan to release a version, that allows post draft-ietf-sidr-ta-05 certificates and if yes, when?
Yes, that is correct. You appear to be using an old version of our validator that was still expecting a TA-04 'External Trust Anchor' format.
Ah okay, I recently downloaded it from http://labs.ripe.net/Members/agowland/ripe-ncc-validator-for-resource-certif... which seems to still link to the old version. Thanks for this tool, anyway. Sebastian