Can the people responsible for this please reconsider and put things on hold until certain conditions are met: Publish a detailed workplan including AS-es used, windows and risk analysis to the various mailinglists. given they are using their own prefixes, can you please tell us what risk there might be. Not much, but I guess people in the audience might get happy from the small note that labtests showed IOS won't crash when it encounters these annoucements.
showing that ios won't crash is very difficult because the number of versions of ios, and the amazing dependencies of things on which blade is in which slot and what phase is the moon. but reading the roma gang's papers and the main email note leads me to feel they have done as good a job on this as we can reasonably expect. considering that we have fellow isps dumping horrifying garbage in the rib, it's amusing how we attack a seemingly well-run very small experiment. randy