Hello all, I have adjusted the agenda of the routing wg to cope with changes in speaker availability and there is a new presentation by Olaf Maennel. See you in Manchester. Regards, Joao Damas ISC Tue 21/Sept (16:00-17:30) A. Preliminaries (the chairs, 5 min) - introduction - participants' list - volunteering of scribe - jabber/irc interface - agenda bashing - RIPE 47 minutes - actions from earlier meetings - upcoming RIPE NCC routing registry courses B. Michael Behringer/Christian Panigl (40 min) "Transparency vs. Security in Core Networks: Pros and Cons" Abstract: This is meant to be a discussion session for the EOF presentation. What do RIPE attendees think about either approach? Is there a "best practice"? C. Tim Griffin (25 min) Routing wedgies D. Zhang Shu (20 min) intra-domain routing instability 1. The results of some intra-domain routing instability measurements that we did on two academic networks in Japan 2. The introduction of a system that we devoleped to measure intra-domain routing instability, which can also be used by network operators to monitor the routing of their networks. http://pe0.koganei.wide.ad.jp/rtanaly/ Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2004 NetTS workshop: "Troubleshooting on Intra-Domain Routing Instability" Wed 22/Sept (11:00-12:30) E. Pedro Roque Marques (30 min) Title: BGP network design Description: This presentation will focus on a set of frequently asked questions that network operators have regarding the logical design of BGP networks. These include topics such as route reflector placement on a network and BGP configuration tradeoffs. F. Randy Bush (20 min) Happy packets What is the relationship between control plane instability and data planeinstability? G. Mathew Williams (15 min) RIS update. H. Olaf Maennel (15 min) Locating Internet Routing Instabilities http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigcomm/sigcomm2004/papers/p479-feldmann11.pdf Y. General I/O with Other WGs Z. AOB