Hi all, Attached is the first draft of the agenda for the meeting of the routing working group in Berlin. If you have suggested a talk and it isn't here, it could be that my co-chair has lifted it for the plenary! Just another reminder (to myself as much as anyone else) that we will be meeting on Friday morning this time around. All the best, and hope to see you in Berlin, Rob A. Administrivia [09:00, 5mins] Minutes of the last meeting. Jabber scribe, minute taker. B. LISP State of the Art [09:05, 40mins] Vince Fuller C. Internet-scale BGP Simulation [09:45, 20mins] Maciek Wojciechowski D. MyASN Development [10:05, 10mins] Erik Romijn E. Building an IRR based on the RPKI infrastructure [10:15, 15mins] Discussion Y. I/O With Other Working Groups [10:30, coffee] Z. AOB [10:30, coffee]