On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 12:32:57PM +0200, Oliver Bartels wrote:
Hi Gert, On Fri, 8 Sep 2006 18:06:00 +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
Ummm, well, this is a damn fast plane if it will reach another continent 1843 times per day (or even "per week")... - which should be the only time the BGP announcement moves.
Sounds more like "the BGP-follows-plane system has some stability problems".
Probably they are using low or medium earth orbit satellites, which _are_ damn fast in orbit. Otherwise the round trip time would be unacceptably high.
As the whole thing is 3D, some of them might have contact to ground stations on this or the other side of the great lake, depending on their 3D position, even thru the plane travels on a well defined track (probably a 3D circle, too) in just one direction only.
Ceterum censeo: Nevertheless this moving-clients application shows some demand for a true-location-independend IP-addresses announcement feature (provider independend "roaming") in IPv6, as in v4 (even thru this isn't the "standard" way, but Connexion is anything but standard). Shim etc. is not sufficient ...
One might also imagine that more globally-friendly way to implement this would have been to build a network (VPN would be adequate) between the ground stations and assign each plane a prefix out of a block whose subnets are only dynamically advertsed within that network/VPN. Doing that would prevent the rest of the global Internet from having to track 1000+ routing changes per prefix per day as satellite handoffs are performed. --Vince