Hi Rafal, On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 07:00:54AM +0000, Rafal.Jankowski@thomsonreuters.com wrote:
And by the way could you please let me know what is the current status of implementing so called "IRR Lockdown" in NTT? If I remember correctly you planned in NTT to filter out route announcements for prefixes present in RIPE but not having correct Route Registry in RIPE. I'm just asking for my curiosity what is the current status for that plan?
We are facing two types of challenges: getting all impacted parties to move their route objects to the appropiate place. Secondly, from a software development perspective, it is somewhat difficult to bolt the irrlockdown features we want onto the existing IRRd daemon. We might postpone the irrlockdown until the IRRd roadmap is more clear. We've been toying with the idea to start from scratch in a modern language and create a backwards compatible, easy to extend, daemon which would then be "IRRd 4". Will keep you posted. Kind regards, Job