Randy, there was once a time, I liked your brief statements. This one is now so brief and cryptic that I simply don't fully get the message between the lines. Why not stick to more clear messages, that more of us (potentially non-native english speakers) could also understand? thanks for your consideration, regards, Kurt -------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 10:11:39 +0530 Von: Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> An: Mirjam Kuehne <mir@ripe.net> CC: routing-wg@ripe.net Betreff: Re: [routing-wg] New on RIPE Labs: Resource Certification (RPKI) Data Quality and Usage
We are considering changing the interface to make ROAs only valid for a limited time, for example one year. This means that at least once a year, ROAs need to be reviewed and renewed by the operator, giving them a chance to compare the ROAs against real-world BGP.
we think you should be doing something annually. so to force you into doing so, we will break your network unless you do it. fracking brilliant!
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