
Thank you for your interest and replies!

First of all I'd like to mention that we have no support for IPv6 at the very moment. It is a direction of future research.

Second - about our algorithms and it is much harder to speak about them in few words. :)
The model construction could be divided in the following steps:
  1. Gathering raw data (RIPE, Routeviews, our AS and volunteers who established BGP sessions with our RR).
  2. Data normalization.
  3. Retrieving AS Relations.
  4. Imitation modeling for BGP decision process for number of ASes, retrieving priorities between ASes. Updating Pref priority for non-free peerings.
  5. Active model verification. For a example we decribed usage of record route option during last ENOG meeting. http://www.enog.org/presentations/enog-5/160-ENOG5.Talk14.azimov.enog5.pdf
PS: There were several bug reports about our mail server. We are working on fixing it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013/8/1 Виталий Туровец <corebug@corebug.net>
Hi there!
Tried to register there - confirmation e-mail wasn't delivered.

2013/7/31 Alexander Azimov <aa@highloadlab.com>

Dear colleagues,

We’d like to introduce to Routing WG our system for AS relationships typing http://radar.qrator.net/. It is based on imitation mathematical model with use of AS paths recovered from BGP views and novel active verification abilities that could detect priorities on every level of BGP decision making process.  Using web-interface you can explore information about AS relations, predicted traffic ingress flows from Tier-1 providers to each AS according to prepend policy. Also you can experiment with model for any existing or even planned AS by adding new connections and see how traffic ingress model will change, in just an instant. Additionally we monitor and gather security network anomalies such as: dynamic and static loops, DDoS amplifiers and botnet activity in every AS and on geographical map. Full disclosure of security issues is available for registered users related to particular AS.

The work is still in progress, and there's a lot to be done, as we aspire to achieve better accuracy. We need for your reviews and bug reports - there is a comfy bug report button where you can send us screenshot with highlighted issue and additional comments in just couple of mouse-clicks.

Also, as we went on with our research, we managed to obtain an interesting data regarding precision and accuracy of different RIR and RIPE-DB in particular. We also ready to present the comparison of declared/existing connectivity and priorities, if this topic is interesting for community.

Best regards,
Alexander Azimov


Vitaliy Turovets
NOC Lead @TV-Net ISP
X-NCC-RegID: ua.tv

| Alexander Azimov  | HLL l QRATOR
| tel.: +7 499 241 81 92
| mob.: +7 915 360 08 86
| skype: mitradir
| mailto: aa@highloadlab.com
| visit: www.qrator.net