On Jan 12, Volodymyr Yakovenko <vovik@dumpty.org> wrote:
I have difficulty in convincing my US colleagues that there are still some autonomous systems in the world which pay any attention to the IRR and sometimes use it for filtering. Many do, but the most common use for a routing registry is to generate as-path and prefix lists from as-set and route/route6 objects. These are the only objects most sites will care about. OTOH few sites in the US do this, probably because they lack an useful routing registry like the RIPE one.
I also having some difficulty in convincing my collegaues to update the aut-num export statement. They do believe that the folloing statent
export: to AS-ANY announce ANY
is just enough for all circumstances. Indeed, documenting your routing policy in your aut-num object is usually not useful to other sites. The only real life use I know for the import/export attributes is generating your whole configuration with irrtoolset. Only an handful of sites does this, and even then rtconfig looks at their own aut-num object, not at their peers' ones.
-- ciao, Marco