I can see there are some routes registered in RIPE for prefixes under administration of different RIRs. For example
The 23/8 is an Arin address space.
I’m wondering what is the recommended approach for registering routes related to non-RIPE prefixes:
-to register them only in RIPE (because of the security mechanisms implemented for RIPE database objects?),
-to register them in both RIPE and appropriate (according to IANA
http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space/ipv4-address-space.xhtml) RIR (probably not because of extra effort required and the risk of data inconsistency)
-or register only in the RIR appropriate to the IANA address space and not to register in RIPE
BTW I recently started using
http://irrexplorer.nlnog.net and according to its logic route registered in RIPE for non RIPE prefix is OK (not perfect, but OK - displayed with green label).
Are there any other tools that help to verify whois/irr data accuracy?