RIPE NCC has asked the Routing WG Chairs to facilitate a working group conversation on framing RIPE NCC's RPKI services subcomponents in terms of criticality.
micromanagement are us!
Service Criticality Questionnaire Form - RPKI =============================================
* Confidentiality: What is the highest possible impact of a data confidentiality-related incident (e.g. data leak)?
rpki data are not confidential. only private keys are. and the ncc uses hsms, which is as good as you are gonna get
* Integrity: What is the highest possible impact of a data integrity-related incident (e.g. hacking)?
rpki data and protocols are pretty seriously designed against attacks on data integrity
* Availability: What is the highest possible impact of a service availability-related incident (e.g. outage)? (All RIPE NCC services are designed with at least 99% availability, so please consider outages of up to 22 hours.)
well designed and written relying party software should be pretty resiliant to such. of course, updates during the outage will not be visible. poorly designed and written rp software is a consumer's choice; it's available. :) randy