< curmudgeonly position >
Do you therefore feel that APNIC's discrete AS0 TAL is not a good long-term model? We deliberately went opt-in, and said so.
you rir folk seem to breed tals like flies. i still think i should need one tal, the iana's. and will all rirs issue an as0 for 10/8? nice. at least, if i use net 10 internally, my local root ca's roas for it will override your 5 or whatever as0 roas.
We proposed this during initial deployment to ensure we had a make-before-break outcome for relying parties, but it does reduce uptake (during the test period at best <100 people have participated)
perhaps because ops seem disinclined to complex tal management.
If we include the AS0 under the mainline TAL, then this is 'opt out' behaviour for RP's (they would have to do conscious work e.g. locally managed SLURM) to re-validate prefixes, rather than opt-in.
back to an unauthenticated slurm, eh? randy, who also did not like or use the dnssec dlv hack