In message <20191228020627.GA9820@allog.giato>, furio ercolessi <furio+as@spin.it> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 02:35:29PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
Anyone have more details about this?
The Czech company that allagedly received the allegedly stolen 7.5 "B" blocks (/16) would seem to be this one:
But I am not seeing that ORG as having quite that many IPv4 addresses assigned.
Maybe the alleged perp in this case only stole IPv6 addresses (?)
Hello Ron,
in https://ftp.ripe.net/pub/stats/ripencc/membership/alloclist.txt under cz.relcom you can currently see the equivalent of about 2.6 "B" blocks.
However, only 10 days they were apparently a lot more! For instance, the list at https://www-public.imtbs-tsp.eu/~maigron/RIR_Stats/RIPE_Allocations/Allocs/C... was collected on Thu Dec 19 2019 and shows the equivalent of about 9.6 "B" blocks (I enclose it below). So the majority of those blocks appears to have changed LIR, leaving cz.relcom/AS2118-MNT to return to ROSNIIROS (aka RIPN) in the past 10 days. Example:
Facinating. It would be even more facinating to have someone from RIPE NCC come and explain to us all how it came to pass that something on the order of an alleged 490 thousand IPv4 addresses got transferred, allegedly illicitly, from a Russian company to a Czech company, AND what rules and standard procedures were followed in order to transfer these back to the Russian company... ... but I also asked for a unicorn for Christmas and I didn't get that either. :-) I guess that when Russia comes knocking, RIPE NCC submissively complies. I can only wish that they would do the same for me. Regards, rfg