Hi, as part of our AS-set stuffing experiments (announced, including links to in-depth information, in [1]), we will be announcing unusually large AS-sets tomorrow, Thursday 16 June. The prefixes involved will be and, both orignating in AS12654. The AS-sets will consist of AS12654 repeated n times, thus the paths will look like 12654 {12654, 12654, ..., 12654}. No other AS numbers will be used. The values of n we will use are 25, 50, 75 and 100. The announcements are designed to discover how far large AS-sets are propagated, and thus how effective our techniques can be, in today's Internet with today's IPv4 operational practices. This is *not* a test to see if routers will fall over: we have successfully tested longer AS-sets in the lab on both Cisco and Juniper, and longer AS-paths and AS-sets have been observed in the wild [2,3]. See [1] for more information on the safety of these announcements. The proposed schedule is as follows: 14:00 UTC: 25-element AS-set 50-element AS-set 14:30 UTC: withdrawal withdrawal 16:00 UTC: 75-element AS-set 100-element AS-set 16:30 UTC: withdrawal withdrawal If anyone should see a problem during the announcements, please contact me and I will take immediate action. Regards, Lorenzo [1] http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/nanog/2005-06/msg00210.html [2] http://www.ripe.net/projects/ris/Talks/0101_RIPE38_AA/sld003.html [3] http://www.ripe.net/maillists/ncc-archives/ris-users/2002/msg00044.html -- lorenzo@ripe.net colitti@dia.uniroma3.it www.ripe.net www.dia.uniroma3.it/~compunet RIPE NCC Roma Tre Computer Networks research group