Dear colleagues, Between July 16, 14:21 UTC, and July 17, 1:21 UTC we had an issue causing our Publication-as-a-Service RRDP repository to serve outdated content. After configuring a second CDN to serve our Publication-as-a-Service repositories, at 14:21 UTC we switched rrdp.paas.rpki.ripe.net to it. The switch appeared successful, but on July 17, 0:10 UTC we were alerted that the repository was not updating. To mitigate this, we switched back to our other CDN and investigated. We concluded that this happened due to a misconfiguration in the newly configured CDN, causing the notification.xml file to be cached indefinitely. Earlier today we fixed the configuration issue, and going forward we will improve our monitoring to alert us sooner. We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused. Kind regards, Bart Bakker Specialist Software Engineer RIPE NCC