Dear colleagues, please find below the first draft of the Routing WG agenda. As you may have noticed this time we have our two slots distributed over two days: - slot 1: Tue, 2-Sep, 16:00 - 17:30 - slot 2: Wed, 3-Sep, 9:00 - 10:30 Again we distributed topics a little. On Tue we have just two presentations and will not fill the entire slot. Wed is dedicated to RIS and related topics. As usual, if you would want to contribute or have suggestions for presentations please step up. Comments and corrections are welcome as well. I will not be able to personally attend this time. My co-chair Joao Damas will chair the sessions instead. Thank you, Joao! ---- Tue slot: 2-Sep, 16:00 - 17:30 Joao Damas: Administrativa (5min) Dave Ward: Bidirectional Forwarding Detector (30min) Iljitsch van Beijnum: Geographical aggregation for multihoming in IPv6 (20min) Wed slot: 3-Sep, 9:00 - 10:30 Matthew Williams: RIS Update (30mins) Lance Tatman: Verification of Zebra as a BGP Measurement Instrument (15min) Alex Tudor: Comparative analysis of BGP update metrics (15min) Pascal Gloor: The Netlantis Project (15min) ---- Thanks Joachim --- JS395-RIPE -- standard disclaimer ---