Hi Rob, Rob Evans said the following on 29/4/06 01:33:
I think this is a good document.
Thank you.
Other presentations this week have shown a small number of prefixes contribute the majority of updates to the BGP table. If route flap damping in its current form isn't the answer to this, what is? Is education sufficient? Do we need an "Update Police"?
Well, education is one aspect, but those of us who are trying to do the education find that it is an uphill struggle against complacency and "I'm all right, mate" attitudes. As for an Update Police, I can advertise Geoff's excellent site at bgpupdates.potaroo.net - but I'm sure a weekly "BGP Update Report" mail shot like the CIDR Report could be interesting, make such update incidents a lot more visible, and help in the educational process. philip --