All comments received have been positive with regards to this document. We will now proceed to have it published as RIPE Document Thanks everyone for your work Joao Damas RIPE Routing wg chair On 1 May, 2006, at 15:46, Christian Panigl, UniVie/ACOnet/VIX wrote:
Dear Routing-WG,
I would like to remind everybody to let us know if there are any specific additions, corrections, comments to our draft document, as it was posted by Philip a week ago: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/maillists/archives/routing-wg/2006/ msg00065.html
and presented at the RIPE52/Routing-WG meeting: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-52/presentations/ripe52- routing-deprecating-ripe-229.pdf
Please do comment until end of this week (7th May 2006) latest, so that we can make this document final next week, get a RIPE document ID and publish it.
All further work should then be conducted as a new activity, and I'm sure there is need for !
Those of you who haven't seen Geoff Hustons presentation on "BGP Routing Noise" should take and read it from: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-52/presentations/ripe52- plenary-bgp-review.pdf
Thank you !
Christian Panigl & Philip Smith
On 24.04.2006, at 13:09, Philip Smith wrote:
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the draft of a document obsoleting RIPE-229 "RIPE Routing-WG Recommendations for Coordinated Route-flap Damping Parameters".
While we will discuss this document at the WG meeting on Thursday, we'd welcome and appreciate feedback from the mailing list.
Philip Smith & Christian Panigl
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/maillists/archives/routing-wg/2006/ msg00065.html