18 Jan
18 Jan
4:40 p.m.
Hi, good topic and a long term stone in my shoes as well.
Get 4-5 people willing to volunteer 5-10 hours per month and I'm on board.
Same here, I'm more than happy to help restart and contribute more time to this effort... Maybe we can think about setting up a Routing Working Group task force or something? Discussion topic for Istanbul?
What about "proxy-aggregation, where applicable" ? I mean Exchangepoint/Route-Servers/Reflectores, etc... There should be a way to do it, IF there exists a less-specific within the same destination-AS to do it without harm. Best regards, Kurt Kayser -- Lust, ein paar Euro nebenbei zu verdienen? Ohne Kosten, ohne Risiko! Satte Provisionen f�r GMX Partner: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/partner