well, perhaps we could have that in the EOF (though it is not directly operational in the usual sense) or in the ap-wg?
Yes, I hope there will be a report from the ITU meeting either in the EOF or APWG (but you'd know better than I), so the discussion will probably follow on there. To be honest I think the impact on the routing tables is the least of our worries, but maybe I shouldn't say that. :) Cheers, Rob -- Rob Evans JANET(UK) Development Team Twitter: https://twitter.com/JANETDev/team Work tweets: https://twitter.com/internetplumber JANET(UK) is a trading name of The JNT Association, a company limited by guarantee which is registered in England under No. 2881024 and whose Registered Office is at Lumen House, Library Avenue, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire. OX11 0SG