15 Feb
15 Feb
11:40 p.m.
Nathalie Trenaman:
Hi nusenu,
First of all, my apologies that the issue you raised fell a bit through the cracks and it took so long to get resolved. We do see the importance to offer RIS dumps through HTTPS and to configure our RPKI validator to fetch the RIS dumps via HTTPS. At the moment the RIS team is working on making HTTPS available and as soon as this is done (they told me it will happen soon), we will make the change to the validator. Overall, we need a few more weeks for this, but we will reply here as well as soon as it is done. We will open the issue again and only close it when it is resolved.
Thanks for your reply, it is appreciated. -- https://twitter.com/nusenu_ https://mastodon.social/@nusenu