Hi Hank, Both repositories contain RIB files. E.g.: http://archive.routeviews.org/route-views.eqix/bgpdata/2020.11/RIBS/ which contains the RIB from all peers of route-view.eqix at a given time. This is in MRT format as far as I know. Not sure if there are route collectors with only 1 or 2 peers. You can always filter for one peer though (e.g. using bgpreader). Cheers, Clemens On 04.07.21 16:41, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
Apologies for previous HTML email:
I am aware of the MRT files available from RIPE:
I am aware of the MRT files available from routeviews: http://archive.routeviews.org/
What I am looking for is an MRT RIB file (not updates), for a single peer or at most 2 peer router. Pointers?
Thanks, Hank