RIS Statistics Report (20040927-20041004) This report was generated at Mon Oct 4 00:15:01 UTC 2004. It analyses the BGP Routing Tables which are collected by RIS Remote Collectors at different locations around the world. Check http://www.ris.ripe.net/weekly-report/ for more info. o Prefix Distribution RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 APNIC 27407 27278 25441 23513 26592 19403 26265 26809 25884 25845 25947 26321 ARIN 61272 60949 58346 54356 60889 45807 60324 60807 59613 59367 59494 60109 LACNIC 6483 6483 6380 5755 6460 5137 6473 6480 6452 6451 6451 6451 RIPE NCC 25378 24678 22228 17466 25087 18300 22746 24117 22586 24131 24154 24668 OLD 32273 31908 29641 27176 31674 26908 31040 31540 30300 30455 30535 30859 IANA 1492 1482 1335 1041 1485 1198 1358 1419 1358 1369 1426 1482 RFC1918 5 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 154310 152779 143371 129307 152189 116754 148206 151172 146194 147619 148007 149890 AS number distributions wrt RIR and single-homed/multi-homed. o ASes per RIR region RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 ARIN 10379 10366 10082 252 10323 9779 10299 10273 10231 10233 10224 10276 APNIC 2112 2111 2051 28 2104 1849 2091 2084 2064 2065 2063 2085 RIPE NCC 5912 5884 5611 2004 5898 5129 5576 5845 5565 5873 5863 5896 LACNIC 70 69 63 5 67 63 70 69 65 66 65 65 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 51 42 19 2 43 29 36 9 18 14 8 25 Others 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 18525 18472 17826 2291 18436 16849 18072 18280 17943 18251 18223 18347 o Number of single-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 ARIN 2995 3215 4986 141 3183 4880 3998 6305 4279 5329 4879 3795 APNIC 542 593 813 24 602 733 711 1202 794 1070 1103 704 RIPE NCC 1618 1944 2065 1213 1790 2172 1931 3433 2298 2545 2957 2006 LACNIC 31 30 34 4 30 30 34 43 34 36 37 31 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 40 38 15 1 33 26 29 7 16 11 7 19 Others 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 5227 5820 7913 1383 5639 7841 6703 10990 7421 8991 8983 6555 o Number of multi-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 ARIN 7384 7151 5096 111 7140 4899 6301 3968 5952 4904 5345 6481 APNIC 1570 1518 1238 4 1502 1116 1380 882 1270 995 960 1381 RIPE NCC 4294 3940 3546 791 4108 2957 3645 2412 3267 3328 2906 3890 LACNIC 39 39 29 1 37 33 36 26 31 30 28 34 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 11 4 4 1 10 3 7 2 2 3 1 6 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 13298 12652 9913 908 12797 9008 11369 7290 10522 9260 9240 11792 Others: AS65535 Distribution of AS number wrt Leaf, Transit. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 Leaf 15302 15348 14928 1667 15307 14050 15037 15651 15088 15391 15460 15309 Transit 3108 3015 2756 412 3019 2571 2885 2541 2707 2758 2675 2929 Transit-only 115 109 142 212 110 228 150 88 148 102 88 109 Total 18525 18472 17826 2291 18436 16849 18072 18280 17943 18251 18223 18347 o Average ASPATH length. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 Avg 6.39 6.18 6.04 5.41 6.42 6.27 6.12 6.14 6.94 6.08 6.08 6.30 Std 2.91 2.60 2.87 2.80 2.92 2.73 2.79 2.35 3.33 2.63 2.23 2.84 o List of martians appearing throughout the week. Prefix Origin AS 13182 3344 7497 30893 o List of hot-spots during the week. Prefix Origin AS Number of updates 21086 718215 19071 404193 6730 381932 14359 334442 21617 164620 31767 143570 31767 141806 21617 139436 21617 139265 21617 138249 Total number of RIS BGP peering sessions: 430
participants (1)
Generic RIS account