RIS Statistics Report (20040628-20040705) This report was generated at Mon Jul 5 00:15:01 UTC 2004. It analyses the BGP Routing Tables which are collected by RIS Remote Collectors at different locations around the world. Check http://www.ris.ripe.net/weekly-report/ for more info. o Prefix Distribution RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 rrc11 APNIC 26714 26696 18492 14550 25689 25048 23101 25882 25286 16807 24764 24833 ARIN 60429 60302 36726 28538 59149 59699 49167 59165 58283 37720 58026 58278 LACNIC 6154 6153 4924 3995 6142 6144 5885 6145 6025 3396 6013 6100 RIPE NCC 24713 23907 18152 16440 23865 23149 19685 22930 23766 13464 22687 23135 OLD 33420 33165 18118 14941 31156 32203 26852 30738 29576 21356 29024 29102 IANA 816 813 611 510 812 746 671 742 804 352 727 804 RFC1918 7 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 152253 151038 97023 78975 146815 146989 125361 145602 143740 93097 141242 142252 AS number distributions wrt RIR and single-homed/multi-homed. o ASes per RIR region RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 rrc11 ARIN 10120 10099 7256 293 10037 10065 9475 9974 9943 7640 9923 9916 APNIC 2044 2042 1775 25 2039 2026 1969 2013 2003 1563 2003 1983 RIPE NCC 5684 5663 4994 2223 5671 5650 4955 5628 5641 4009 5626 5634 LACNIC 56 54 43 5 55 55 55 55 50 34 51 50 IANA 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 17 12 5 1 10 6 7 3 3 5 3 4 Others 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Total 17923 17872 14073 2548 17813 17803 16461 17673 17640 13252 17606 17587 o Number of single-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 rrc11 ARIN 2965 3184 3203 193 3375 4354 4074 5902 3982 5647 4917 5335 APNIC 518 588 693 21 595 809 711 1106 764 945 865 1062 RIPE NCC 1596 1877 2031 1271 1789 2271 1867 3137 2193 2636 2843 2982 LACNIC 25 24 25 5 27 27 30 34 26 24 30 27 IANA 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 14 10 4 0 9 5 5 2 2 4 2 3 Others 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Total 5120 5685 5956 1491 5796 7467 6687 10181 6967 9257 8657 9409 o Number of multi-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 rrc11 ARIN 7155 6915 4053 100 6662 5711 5401 4072 5961 1993 5006 4581 APNIC 1526 1454 1082 4 1444 1217 1258 907 1239 618 1138 921 RIPE NCC 4088 3786 2963 952 3882 3379 3088 2491 3448 1373 2783 2652 LACNIC 31 30 18 0 28 28 25 21 24 10 21 23 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 12803 12187 8117 1057 12017 10336 9774 7492 10673 3995 8949 8178 IANA : AS65535 Others: AS65535 Distribution of AS number wrt Leaf, Transit. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 rrc11 Leaf 14778 14832 11396 1890 14792 14946 13612 15041 14869 11300 14861 14928 Transit 3036 2932 2361 447 2908 2759 2601 2542 2675 1784 2642 2566 Transit-only 109 108 316 211 113 98 248 90 96 168 103 93 Total 17923 17872 14073 2548 17813 17803 16461 17673 17640 13252 17606 17587 o Average ASPATH length. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 rrc10 rrc11 Avg 6.18 5.87 6.24 5.92 6.37 5.89 6.32 6.18 6.19 5.48 5.91 6.03 Std 2.75 2.55 2.91 3.17 2.87 2.50 2.87 2.35 2.59 2.74 2.43 2.45 o List of martians appearing throughout the week. Prefix Origin AS 32767 297 6762 32767 297 297 29449 5417 o List of hot-spots during the week. Prefix Origin AS Number of updates 0 259271 0 197079 0 175053 0 153991 0 153987 0 106442 0 104451 0 94411 0 74528 0 72203 Total number of RIS BGP peering sessions: 389