Hi All-

Below you will find notes from our meeting with LEAs in Helsinki where we discussed how LEAs can move forward on a globally coordinated policy that can be presented in all 5 regions.  These notes are fairly general and do not contain a great deal of detail.  If those who attended the meeting feel that there is some important detail missing, please let me know and I can adjust.


LEA – RIR Meeting

June 29, 2016



Bobby Flaim (FBI)

Iranga Kahangama (FBI)

Dirk Ballou (DEA) 

Thomas Walden (DEA)

Catherine Bauer-Bulst (European Commission)

Laura Kate-Bernstein (DoJ attorney)

Greg Mounier (Europol)

Kimmo  Ulkulniemi (Interpol)



Craig Ng (APNIC)

Alan Barret (Afrinic)

Leslie Nobile (ARIN)

Kevon Swift (Lacnic)

Oscar Robles (Lacnic)

Dick Leaning (Ripe NCC)

Chris Buckridge (Ripe NCC)


Purpose of meeting:

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how LEAs plan on moving forward on a globally coordinated WHOIS Accuracy Policy to be proposed at each RIR.  The FBI has created an initial policy proposal on behalf of law enforcement/consumer protection agencies that they will use as a starting point.  They will be soliciting input from representatives (community members, LEAs) from each region in order to eventually finalize a globally coordinated policy that can be proposed in each region.


Discussion Points:

•  Introduction of the topic by Bobby Flaim

•  Short presentation of Whois accuracy practices/policies at each RIR (Leslie Nobile)

•  Discussion of the issues and the way forward, with questions from the LEA reps and input from each RIR.  

•  All RIRs provided some general feedback on the initial policy proposal.  Feedback mainly focused on the policy process in each region and guidelines on how to propose a policy, but did not delve into the specifics of the policy criteria.


Way Forward:

•  It was decided that there is not enough time to finalize a proposal in time for the fall round of RIR meetings, so they will aim for having it ready in time for the spring RIR meetings.  The preference is to have the best possible proposal rather than trying to rush through a half-baked proposal.

•  The first step will be to get a community member from each region to work with an LEA rep from that region and have them act as “co-shepherds” of the policy proposal in their respective regions.  

•  The RIRs (those of us who act as LEA liaisons) will work with their respective LEA rep in order to get them on the agenda of their next RIR meeting so that they can introduce the topic and socialize the idea of a globally coordinated policy.

•  LEA reps will take all input, including the input they have received thus far from members of the community in several regions, and will rework the proposal.