Thanks for this update Richard!


On 08/11/2016 12:29 AM, Richard Leaning wrote:
Dear All,

This is just a very quick update on the highlights from ICANN57. 

GAC leadership team -

The GAC leadership was up for re-election and the results were - 

Chair - Mr. Thomas Schneider - Switzerland

Vice Chairs - 
  • Mr GUO Feng, China
  • Ms Manal ISMAIL, Egypt 
  • Mr Ghislain DE SALINS, France
  • Ms Milagros CASTAÑÓN SEOANE, Peru
  • Mr Mark CARVELL, United Kingdom

So our relationship with the GAC has been further enhanced.

ASO NRO and RIR issues

Well this is in my opinion was a really interesting shift in attitude. Am summarising but basically when the RIRs met ICANN staff it was suggested by ICANN staff, that we should consider if we need to formalise our relationship with the GAC PSWG. This was again mentioned by the ICANN Board when we met with them. 

The board were also interested in the recent LEA engagement with the RIRs and they were updated. What they were really wanting to know was is this a Gobal ASO NRO engagement or a regional engagement. This was again explained thats its not a GAC PSWG driven engagement but by regional LEA.

During the PSWG open session - the PSWG reached out to the ASO to consider becoming an Liaison/observer to the GAC which would allow the ASO to be a Liaison/observer to the PSWG.

Of course this caused a lot of discussion amongst our-selves here at ICANN57 with the general view being positive. Of course there will now have to be a lot of conversation and refection by all. There is no time pressure, in fact, we don’t even have to respond.

Happy to take questions ;-)



Richard Leaning
External Relations

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