Congrats indeed !







For Internal Use Only

From: Exec-board <> On Behalf Of Christian Kaufmann
Sent: perjantai 13. tammikuuta 2023 10.49
To:;; RIPE List <>; Hans Petter Holen <>
Cc: Sander Steffann <>; James Kennedy <>
Subject: Re: [exec-board] ASO AC 2023 first news






Sent from Proton Mail for iOS



On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 17:02, <> wrote:

Dear all,


Let me first wish you all the best for 2023 : health, happiness and success for your business and personal projects.


Before I share a complete review of the last months ASO AC activities (I hope before the end of January), I wanted to inform that I was appointed yesterday Chair of the Council for 2023.

As per the operational procedures, I proposed to Nicole Chan (APNIC) and Ricardo Patara (LACNIC) to be Vice-Chairs and they’ve accepted.

And we’ll continue with James and Sander to do our best to fulfill our functions as RIPE and RIPE NCC representatives.


The next ASO AC Face To Face Meeting will take place during ICANN 76 in Cancun (11-16 March).


The ASO AC is this year comprised of only 13 members, including only one from the AfriNIC as elections or nominations are impossible in the current situation.


Tell us (James, Sander and I) if you have any questions or remarks.


Best regards




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