Yes, agree, we should know what are the actual insights for changes, so we can contribute already now, and not when is too late.

I already talked about this with Hervé and Constanze in Rome.

In fact I suggested to Hervé that it will be good to have a specific mailing list for that discussion, that is open to all, as the current mail exploder is only in read mode for the rest of the community.



El 29 ene 2024, a las 12:34, Kurt Erik Lindqvist <> escribió:


Thank you for sharing this. Could you share some insight into what the discussion around ICP-2 is? 

Best regards,


Sent from Outlook for iOS

From: ripe-list <> on behalf of constanze buerger <>
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2024 2:15 PM
To: <>
Subject: [ripe-list] News from ASO AC
Dear All,
Hervé, Sander and I are on the way to the f2f Meeting with the ASO AC colleagues in Montevideo. One of our  main topics is, to discuss the Internet Coordination Policy 2 (ICP-2). 
Further informations we will communicate after the meeting and please  check also
All the best

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