{apologies for crossposting}
Dear RIPE-Lister,

Hope you are well.

Please see my comments below, inline...

Le mar. 3 août 2021 à 10:07 AM, Daniel Karrenberg <dfk@ripe.net> a écrit :

On 2 Aug 2021, at 20:45, Randy Bush wrote:

> ignore the lies and escalation.  it is just designed to
> create doubt and confusion.

Could not agree more.

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your email, brother.

...this is an *INRs War*. it's no more only 
about few/full lies.

It seems as AfriNIC is just the first step...

This guy quotes his very own comment on Rob
Blokzijl’s obituary and puts his own words in the mouth of Rob who
cannot do anything about it anymore. He even puts this ‘quote’ in
the charter of his new anti-RIR club. Distasteful. A disgrace.

...from the home page of the NRA:


"RIR is just a bookkeeper"

- Rob Blokzijl Obituary

IP addresses or number resources are crucial assets that allow every person in the world to access the Internet. These precious assets are managed and registered by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Unfortunately, these organizations can only act as bookkeepers and distributors of IP space, not regulators or owners. That said, it is important to raise awareness about this fact, as Number Resource Members.

The charter against the Internet Number
 Registry System has been saved here : 


Just ignore the lies!
