Dear RIPE community:

I am writing this email to ask for anyones help in contacting a school in Germany called the Gymnasium Querfurt High School. I have made the attempt myself by phone and email without much success. The problem with phoning is the language barrier - I don't speak German and they don't speak English. The emails I have sent I think are being intercepted.

To give you some backgrounder on this a person by the name of Christopher Mettin who claims to be a representative and the network administrator at the school joined the ARIN PPML mailing list and was trying to get free number resources for his school. I posted a "FRAUD ALERT" to the conference and thats when everything went a little kooky.

Mr. Mettin went ballistic and made all sorts of false accusations against me resulting in the violation of the ARIN AUP and calls from the members to have him removed. He also claims RIPE refuses to give his school any number resources and called RIPE a NAZI organization. He also claims that the province in Germany where the school is located is not a part of Germany but is in fact the 51st state of the United States.

Those of you who wish to review the discussions should visit the ARIN PPML mailing list archives and follow the threads in late November recently past. Many ARIN member found the discussion humorous so your sure to have a giggle or two if you read up on this.

Now Christopher is in fact a student at the school. I do not know if he has permission to represent the school. If he does have permission then my next question is "WHY is he not being properly supervised in his work by a school official" i.e. a responsible adult.

The Gymnasium Querfurt is one of the top high schools in Germany. If the school was doing its job and properly supervising him I don't think Chris would of ever ended up involving himself and his school in a scandal.

So if anyone here can pick up the phone - call the school - and ask them what is going on it would be much appreciated. I think at the very least the school should apologize to the list membership.

The URL for the school is at:

and their contact data is as follows:

Gymnasium Querfurt
Nemsdorfer Weg 8
06268 Querfurt
Tel:  034771/22450

joe baptista

p.s. If you get a hold of a responsible adult at the school I would also appreciate their contact information so I can follow up myself if they speak English.