On 11/10/18 13:38, Jim Reid wrote:
Since there doesn’t appear to be a mailing list for RIPE77 attendees, this seems the most suitable place to raise the following.
The lovely and efficient NCC meeting staff have sent me (and presumably everyone else) email about practical matters for RIPE77. It contains the following:
"You are required to wear your badge during the meeting at ALL times for security purposes.”
What “security purposes”? I doubt this badge can protect me from terrorist attack or something dodgy from a nearby frikandel automat. Why are we required to wear badges at all times? When was this rule introduced and who took the decision? Is the next step to have badge goons policing who is allowed to get a coffee or go into the sessions?
The badges for this meeting are being printed on Kevlar and will in fact protect you from a shot to the heart. You are free to wear them in whatever position you need, depending on what body part you value most. As a Scot you may wish to wear it over your wallet... ;-)