Dear RIPE Community, this is to inform you that - as reported during the RIPE57 plenary in Dubai - the DNS WG is working on a response to the US NTIA's NoI for deployment of DNSSEC in the DNS root zone: <http://www.ntia.doc.gov/DNS/DNSSEC.html> The latest draft version of the proposed statement can be found on the DNS WG mailing list at <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/maillists/archives/dns-wg/2008/msg00218.html> The plan is to ask the RIPE community on this list for statements of support once the DNS WG has reached consensus later this week. If you would like to contribute, please read the discussion in the DNS WG's archive and respond on the DNS WG mailing list. In order to meet the NTIA's deadline - provided consensus will have been reached in the DNS WG and a consensus call will have been issued to this list - it is unlikely we will be able to apply further refinements to the text. Instead, there will be a binary decision depending on community response to the consensus call. -Peter Koch [DNS WG co-chair]