On Sep 28, 2012, at 12:07 PM, Ondrej Filip <ondrej.filip@NIC.CZ> wrote:

We do want to limit the coverage on projects related and of interest
to the RIPE community. Example of Open Source projects which we
believe are a good fit for the group are Routing products like Bird,
Quagga, OpenBGPd, XORP and other projects relevant to the community
like DHCP, Network Management tools like RRDtool, Ntop or Nagios.

I have two questions:

1. Are you consciously not mentioning DNS software? Do you expect DNS Open Source discussions to remain in the DNS WG? I think clarity is needed to avoid duplication.

2. There might be vendors that do not provide open-source but do have a genuine interest in understanding the needs of the community and would like to work with the community; are those welcome? There are probably also Open Source developers that need to run a business and use this as a marketing event. I understand you wouldn't want that (at least I don't) but how can you make the distinction? A paragraph about what this WG should not be might clarify.

In general I like the idea.


Olaf M. Kolkman

Science Park 400, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands