+1 It was amazing, and thanks for having me with a shark in the tweet :)

- Cynthia

On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 12:04 PM Hans Petter Holen <hph@oslo.net> wrote:
This is where I need a +1 so it gets RIPE80 Thank you rather than RIPE79...

On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 11:33, Hans Petter Holen <hph@oslo.net> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

RIPE 80 ended last Thursday with 2002 attendees registered and an average of 1300 viewers per day. Thank you all for making the first virtual RIPE meeting a success!

RIPE 80 was my first meeting as RIPE NCC's Managing Director, and I would like to thank all of you for your support and kind words. It was also my last meeting as RIPE Chair as I'll hand over the reins to the new Chair and Vice-Chair who will be selected by the NomCom in the coming weeks.

During the RIPE Community Plenary, we discussed progress regarding the Code of Conduct and the Working Group Chair selection process. We issued calls to form new Task Forces to tackle both of these issues. I will share updates on these topics on the ripe-list. There were changes in the community with Constanze Dietrich replacing Jim Reid as the IoT Working Group Co-chair. Peter Hessler and Wolfgang Tremmel were elected to the RIPE Programme Committee. Thank you, Jim, for the excellent job and congrats to Constanze, Peter and Wolfgang.

We were also happy to see that we could bring the RIPE Meeting spirit online thanks to a high-quality programme, creative social events, fun quizzes and the general enthusiasm and goodwill of the community.

You can read the meeting report at: 
Archives of all the meeting's presentations are online: 
At this moment, it's still unsure whether RIPE 81 will be a physical or virtual meeting, but we will keep you updated and hope that you'll be a part of it.

See you soon!
Best regards,
Hans Petter Holen
interim RIPE Chair
-- Hans Petter Holen Mobile +47 45 06 60 54 | hph@oslo.net | http://hph.oslo.net