Hi Herve,
Thanks for the heads up. The timeline looks quite short to me, with August survey and December final draft published, we would see.  3 comments:

1) it would be really useful to number slides in a deck;
2) there is a duplicate slide (second one has extra line at the end), titled ICP-2 Timeline and review;
2bis) there is one more slide with same title, folllowing the duplicate one;
3) it would be nice to spare us the “confidential” legalese at the end of your email (if it’s possible.)

— dk@hostmaster.ua (former ASO AC member.)

On 19 Apr 2024, at 17:01, herve.clement@orange.com wrote:

Dear all,


Please find below the link to the ASO AC activities report slides which have been presented during the last ARIN meeting:


ICP-2 related activities are mentioned in pages 8 and 10 to 13.


Such a presentation will be held during RIPE 88 (Address Policy Working Group on Wednesday and RIPE Community Plenary on Thursday - Meeting Plan – RIPE 88 ).


Looking forward to seeing you there (on-site or remotely).


Best regards



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