Greetings! We are preparing for the Ukrainian part of IGF http://igf-ua.org/en/ this fall. I think that the topics raised fit into our military history of Ukraine... I take the courage to invite those who wish to attend the cybersecurity section, which I have been leading all these years, and I am ready to allocate time for discussion. -- З повагою, Іван Пєтухов 15/08/2022 10:24, Patrik Fältström via ripe-list написав:
On 14 Aug 2022, at 13:47, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
Disconnect Russia!
This isn't the job of RIPE, or ICANN, or anybody else. It is the moral duty of each of you reading these words, as individual ethical and moral beings.
The relationship between EU (and other States) and Russia, and because of this between us individuals and Russia, is dealt with elsewhere than at RIPE. It has been demonstrated for you how the issue have been discussed and deal with in RIPE.
Regarding EU and disconnecting Russia, that has already been discussed as part of the sanctions discussions, and this resulted in conclusion related to the 6th sanction package that can be found here <https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX%3A32022R0880&from=SV&fbclid=IwAR1EKpRiJIvxHo6VuqYZxyzngZCrkf0BfzyXO27DdBC_rB-ZCXiC-uJIu7A>:
Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 is amended as follows:
(1) the following article is inserted:
‘Article 6c
Article 2 shall not apply to funds or economic resources that are strictly necessary for the provision of electronic communication services by Union telecommunication operators, for the provision of associated facilities and services necessary for the operation, maintenance and security of such electronic communication services, in Russia, in Ukraine, in the Union, between Russia and the Union, and between Ukraine and the Union, and for data centre services in the Union.’