On 19/04/2021 20:12, Randy Bush wrote:
The RIPE NCC regularly organizes events for communities which are
distinct from RIPE. When preparing for such an event, the RIPE NCC
will ascertain whether the respective community has adopted the
RIPE Code of Conduct and, if not, also ascertain which Code must
be applied.
my naïve view is that, if the ncc is an organiser, then the coc MUST

if i am asked to be on (or chair) a panel which has no under-represented
folk, i decline, making the reason very clear.


Reviewing the CoC I have noticed a few items that maybe need to be included (not sure):

- violating someones copyright or trademark

- distributing malware with the intention of infecting participants

- reposting private emails without the express permission of the sender

- posting something that would violate the law in the Netherlands

- posting commercial/advertisement content

Probably each is open to debate.



Caveat: The views expressed above are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer