Good afternoon, Please find below a news release that we'd like to be sent out on the Ripe list. It's my first time, so if I'm doing something wrong, please tell me. Best regards, Karim Mostafi Communications Officer GÉANT Association, Amsterdam Office (formerly TERENA) Singel 468D, 1017 AW Amsterdam, the Netherlands Email: mostafi@terena.org <durnford@terena.org> Tel: +31 (0) 20 530 4488 GÉANT Association Networking. Services. People Learn more at: http://www.geant.org START NEWS RELEASE --------------- After having opened the call for proposals for TNC15 on 6 October, the Programme Committee have received a good number of responses already. More proposals are welcome until the deadline of 28 November though, so we encourage everyone to submit a proposal too! This year, you can contribute more ideas to help shape the conference than ever before: In addition to the usual opportunity to submit presentation abstracts, you can now also propose entire sessions. And rather than waiting until next year to submit ideas for lightning talks and posters, you can also do this immediately. The online submissions tool has been improved to provide one unified system to support all these changes. 28 November 2014 is the deadline for submitting presentation abstracts and session proposals. The deadline for submitting proposals for posters and lightning talks is 15 April 2015. TNC15 will be held in Porto from 15-18 June 2015, hosted by FCT|FCCN, Portugal’s unit for the operation of the National Research and Education Network (NREN) within the funding agency for science and research in Portugal. The theme of TNC15 will be ‘Connected Communities’. All proposals must be submitted in English, the official language of the conference, and should be on subjects relevant to the spirit and objectives of the conference: to present, discuss and learn about the latest developments in networking technology and its uses in the research and education community. The topics described below are an indication of the scope of the conference, but are not meant to be restrictive. Connected Communities Today, NRENs find themselves at an exciting crossroads in society. Not only do they provide the basic network infrastructure on which big science and big data build, but they also address the requirements of ever-increasing and more diverse communities of Internet end users in the wider research and education areas. Many questions around cloud computing, software defined networking, mobility, ‘over-the-top’ and more remain unanswered, and their impact on the NREN landscape and their potential to address the needs of the users are still unclear. All of this in a time when privacy and security are not a given. With the TNC15 Call for Proposals we invite you to explore the challenges the research and education networking community faces along the following themes: - Success factors for NRENs - Shining the light on Dark IT - Connecting life, the universe and everything - Control in the connected world - Deconstructing the network The full details are included in the print version of the Call for Proposals (pdf) <http://www.terena.org/gfx/TNC15-CfP-rgb.pdf>. Please feel free to share this among your contacts! Submit TNC15 proposals Upload your proposals via the TNC15 submit <https://tnc15.terena.org/submit> page. Other ways to participate - Sponsorship - For information please contact Gyöngyi Horváth <horvath@terena.org> - Demonstrations and exhibits - companies or projects wishing to participate should contact: tnc15@terena.org - Side meetings - If you wish to organise a meeting or workshop immediately before, after or around TNC15, please contact Gyöngyi Horváth <horvath@terena.org> before 15 January 2015. About TNC TNC is the largest and most prestigious annual networking conference for higher education and research in Europe, with around 650 participants. TNC brings together decision makers, managers, networking and collaboration specialists, and identity and access management experts from all major European networking and research organisations, universities, worldwide sister institutions, as well as industry representatives. Through keynote speeches by renowned specialists, parallel sessions, demonstrations and presentations, the TNC presents participants with a unique overview of the latest developments in research and education networking, both in the technical field and in the area of application and management. TNC15 website: http://tnc15.terena.org -------------------- END NEWS RELEASE